The latest edition of the journal MO: Writings from the River is out and within its covers are two of my poems, Night Shift Revelations and How the Fittest Actually Survive. This is the second volume of this journal of literature and art, and I've been lucky enough to contribute to both of them. Check it out if you get a chance...
Out Of Line info
As mentioned previously, my poem A Runaway Slave's Song appears in the 2007 edition of Out of Line, an annual anthology of imaginative writings with underlying themes of Peace and Justice. Click here to access the website of Garden House Press, the publisher of Out of Line, if you are interested in purchasing a copy of this great literary anthology. I also have two short stories in Out of Line 2006 - Excessive Punishment and The Understanding - which is also available to order on the website.
2 New Publications
Love Commentaries, a triad of prose poems with different viewpoints on love, appear in the latest issue of It Takes All Kinds, a quarterly litzine that includes short stories, poetry, comics, articles, photography and columns from a wide variety of writers and artists. This is the 5th issue of this independent literary publication, and I'm happy to be part of it - I contributed to their first and second issues as well. In this issue there's also great poetry from friends and collaborators of mine Don Savant and Cecil Donaby. Click here if you're interested in purchasing a copy of this up-and-coming Minnesotan litzine.
Also, my poem A Runaway Slave's Song appears in the newest edition of Out of Line, an annual anthology of literature with themes of peace, justice, civil rights, and equality. As you might guess from the title, this lyric poem is about the thoughts of freedom an escaped slave would have had while on the run. It's publication is timely since it's Black History Month. Other notable poets in this edition include Holly Day and Lyn Lifshin. It's an honor to be able to contribute to this publication for the second year in a row. Not sure about how you can get a copy of Out of Line - when I find out about availability I'll post an update on this blog...
The Talking Stick Volume 15 Now Avaliable
The newest edition of The Talking Stick, a Minnesota Literary Journal put out by The Jackpine Writer's Bloc, is now out. The Talking Stick is a ten year old publication. Showcasing some of the best to be found poetry, prose, fiction and creative nonfiction, The Talking Stick is an honest glimpse into the eyes of writers. Proud to be written and entirely produced by writers' and artists of Minnesota, The Talking Stick is a northern treasure. You can enjoy the book in the comfort of your own home by buying a volume here or in one of the many Minnesota book stores that carries it.
My poem Someday Your Prince Will Come, which is a satirical poem about some females and their flawed dating practices, is included amongst the works in this journal. Check it out if you are interested in reading some work from emerging Minnesotan writers.
New Issue of "Main Channel Voices" out
The newest edition of Main Channel Voices literary magazine is out. My poem Inheritance is included in this issue. The poetry in this issue is intelligent and interesting, so if you are looking for a good literary magazine read during these boring winter nights, check it out.
"Velvet Avalanche: a collection of erotic poetry" now available
Announcing the release of Velvet Avalanche: a collection of erotic poetry. Published by satajah projects, this international collection of sexy poetry is hot off the presses. I have two poems in the collection, Savage and A Bachelor's Guide to Her Backside. I just received my copy and the book is professionally done and boasts a lineup of about 75 talented poets. If you are looking for a good read, I would suggest it as a steamy poetic page turner for these cold winter nights.
"In the Eye: A Collection of Writings" now available for ordering
In the Eye: A Collection of Writings is now available for ordering. My poem Purgatory Creek is among the works included in the anthology. I was happy to contribute to this anthology that is for such a worthy cause; all profits from this anthology go to Habitat for Humanity to help rebuild the areas affected by Katrina and Rita. More info about the book appears below.
Edited by Katherine Tracy, Foreword by Catharine Savage Brosman, Introduction by Jack B. Bedell, and Cover Image by Kirk Jordan. The elements of Nature are scattered throughout the pages of 48 poems and stories by 36 writers who speak of wonder and devastation, inviting us to experience our own humanity in the beauty and force of Nature.
Thirty-six writers contributed to this project. They share a common ground in that their voices have found their muses in Nature because they understand that Man is indeed part of Nature. The element of water is a constant that runs throughout this anthology, along with Man and other living creatures scattered throughout the pages. Katrina is not the first disaster to cause such devastation. Nor will it be the last, however, Katrina brought much of the Gulf Coast and especially New Orleans to its knees, and to this date, more than a year later, it continues to have lingering, if not lasting effects. Some of these writings emphasize disaster while others remind us of the beauty that we behold in Nature, and some illustrate that precious balance that is so significant to our existence.