Guest Blogging at the Scribes’ Tribe Scribblings Website

litera1.gifAs part of National Poetry Month, I will be guest blogging over at the Scribes’ Tribe Scribblings website. I’ll be talking about poetry in general and the intersection of poetry and prose in particular. It’s intended to be a poetry workshop where people can ask questions and advice.

Click here to check out the poetry workshop page where I’m featured. Right now they have posted an interview with me where I answer various questions.

The rest of the blogging for the month will work like this:

April 16 - Poem-making, the Process
April 21 - How Poetry Influences Prose, and Vice Versa
April 23 - Spreading the Word: Getting Your Work Out There Through Publishing and Readings
April 28 & 30 - Critiquing poems from those posted on the website

Big thanks to Candace and Amy of the Scribes’ Tribe for this tremendous opportunity.